Monday, September 27, 2010

Module 7 Building Online Communities

Blogs are another great source of information, links and learning from others. Why is Delicious so popular?
  • keeps links to your favourite articles, blogs, music, restaurants reviews
  • Share favourites with friends,family and colleagues
  • Discover new things that others have found
  • Organise bookmarks by tagging them with keywords

In Activity 1, I explored Delicious for bookmarking and sharing on the Web by viewing the site About Delicious A text based tutorial for getting started with delicious. It states that Delicious is an eclectic social mix of peoples browsing habits that could be considered the finest internal directory on the planet. With Delicious tagging involves adding key words to your bookmarks that would help you retrieve them in the future

I have just been supportive and used my best blog manners in commenting on oe of my colleagues blog pages. qQite sereal as she is sitting beside me completeing her latest module!!!!

Module 6 Creating and Communication on line is a simple and free web application that lets you brainstorm on line. can be used to record and organise ideas about the use of Web2.0 tools to enhance learning. A glog is an online poster of web page. Users can combine texts or pictures, graphics, video and audio to create an interactive online poster that you can embed into a wiki, blog or school/class website. I have just tried to embed my into my blog and I was able to save it to my documents but no one in the St Kevins breakfast club was able to assist me in putting it into my blog and they weren't able to do it either!!! Any suggestions?????? Anyway I had a go at creating a mindmap bit fiddly might take time to master.

Go Nana Jan perseverence pays off! I did it!!!
Mindmapping is an integral part of the primary classroom the uses for this tool are endless and far more interactive and interesting for children. I will be uses this tool often.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Module 5 - Digital Storytelling - Pod, Vods, videos and Web2

Well my learned friends as written my Leslie Rule - Digital storytelling is the modern expression of the ancient art of storytelling. Digital stories derive their power by weaving images, music, narrative and voice together, thereby giving deep dimension and vivid colour to characters, situations , experiences and insights.
This module I leisurely breaststroked through the sea of Podacasts- an audio or video file available on the internet. Pod meaning listen to on your computer or transfer it to your portable audio/video device. It is therefore portable and on Demand. Cast meaning the file is sent over the internet.
Vodcasts came in on the next wave and informed me that it is simply a podacst that contains video content.I explored the iTunes links from Module 5 and will sit on my towel and watch as the application becomes more able to be used and relevant to our StKevins learning community.
My favourite review was done on visiting the video sites. As I am an avid user of Youtube and have been for some time I will now happily explore the other video sites to widen the resources that I have linked to the various flipchart pages in my use of Activinspire for programming my classroom units of work. I find it a great tool for engaging those visual learners and making the content of lessons real for students. Digital storytelling is an essential part of the 21st Century classroom. Thanks for Module 5 I,m really strating to swim strongly now!!!!!