Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Module 3 Taking the first stroke!

Just starting to come out of the fog of the initial information overload and making some sense of Web 2.o! As I viewed this module's videos and became aware of the educational applications my interest is beginning to take hold.
Google Docs the free web based word processor, spreadsheet,presentation and form application site amazes me in that its applications are limitless. Unfortunately it is limited by the lack of ability that I can bring to it. Others astound me with their ability to apply this tool. I think I will observe quietly in the background and get swept along in their tide.
The fact that we now have the tools to create and edit documents online while collaborating in real time with other users is highly motivating to those facing a deadline while not having to wait to read emails and reply to them. All students are able to participate in one assignment. Teachers then see which students are doing the lion share of the work. Learning can happen at all times of the day without meeting and from the comfort of your own home.Students become publishers on a world wide level now publishing for peers,parents and teachers. Far more accountable than ever and as a result raising their own standards as their accountability becomes clearer.
The benefit of its use in my own classroom would be from the interactivity of daily lessons. The excisting class page could now be put to better use not just merely a tool for the spread of information by me to bothe students and parents.
Onwards and upwards as we launch into Module 4!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Module 2 Treading Water!

Well, Activity One engaged my brain in learning about Blogs.I previewed the video " Blogs in Plain English" which began with a contrast of the news in both 20th centuries and now. I learnt that the news has changed from being general and limited to the fact that now anyone can be a reporter and publisher. That blogposts can be like newspaper articles but they can be up for discussion and that you can build relationships with bloggers with similar interests.In 2003 70million blogs were created, the number is mindblowing!!!
I then continued the module and created my own blog - I'm learning!
The google privacy tips reassured me that I can send visitors to my blogs and set permission for blog readers to follow my ramblings.
I really enjoyed visiting the links with the "Educational use of Blogs" particularly the "Art Projects for Kids" as this is a passion of mine and gave me some great ideas to use and adapt to my own class. Mrs Turnbull's classroom reinforced for me that students who lack reading and writing skills and that lack motivaton to practice chat virtually with friends making the ir audience more credible and less intimidating for them.
All in all this Module has been informative and interesting.
I will keep treading water and hopefully tackle a stroke or two next time. CU

Monday, August 9, 2010

Module 1 - Here I go in at the deep end!

Hello fellow Web 2.oers my name is Janeen Towers another member of the infamous St Kevins' Eastwood Breakfast Club! I feel as though I am entering a brave new world here one where I have little knowledge, expertise or control. Feelings that I don't come to terms with very easily.So as a result I am moving forward very slowly and cautiously!
Module 1 has introduced me to the new terms Blogs, Wikis and Twitter Podcasting and Social Networking. I'm sure as time goes on that all will be revealed and this lingo will become a second language but for now I reflect on the issues that arose for me out of the weblinks that I viewed. The positive gains of using Web 2.0 are obvious: the user created content, applications, social interactions,the authentic audience,collaboartion, the development of 21st century problem solving skills and ownership of the work. Alas there is always a dark side and for me a side that must be weighed up and considered carefully. The quality and credibility of the content.Can everyone be an expert?Privacy and sharing of personal information are always an issue.Copyright and reliability of sources.
In conclusion I feel that Web 2.0 is a very powerful web based tool that will heve great educational advantages when used correctly.