Monday, August 9, 2010

Module 1 - Here I go in at the deep end!

Hello fellow Web 2.oers my name is Janeen Towers another member of the infamous St Kevins' Eastwood Breakfast Club! I feel as though I am entering a brave new world here one where I have little knowledge, expertise or control. Feelings that I don't come to terms with very easily.So as a result I am moving forward very slowly and cautiously!
Module 1 has introduced me to the new terms Blogs, Wikis and Twitter Podcasting and Social Networking. I'm sure as time goes on that all will be revealed and this lingo will become a second language but for now I reflect on the issues that arose for me out of the weblinks that I viewed. The positive gains of using Web 2.0 are obvious: the user created content, applications, social interactions,the authentic audience,collaboartion, the development of 21st century problem solving skills and ownership of the work. Alas there is always a dark side and for me a side that must be weighed up and considered carefully. The quality and credibility of the content.Can everyone be an expert?Privacy and sharing of personal information are always an issue.Copyright and reliability of sources.
In conclusion I feel that Web 2.0 is a very powerful web based tool that will heve great educational advantages when used correctly.

1 comment:

  1. Jan, I like the comment that you made about 'the authentic audience'. I never thought of that one. I suppose it goes hand in hand with collaboration in that each and every person is everbody elses audience (and to some extent their own).

    I agree with the issue of privacy and credibility also. You definitely have to be brave to enter into this new world.
