Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Module 3 Taking the first stroke!

Just starting to come out of the fog of the initial information overload and making some sense of Web 2.o! As I viewed this module's videos and became aware of the educational applications my interest is beginning to take hold.
Google Docs the free web based word processor, spreadsheet,presentation and form application site amazes me in that its applications are limitless. Unfortunately it is limited by the lack of ability that I can bring to it. Others astound me with their ability to apply this tool. I think I will observe quietly in the background and get swept along in their tide.
The fact that we now have the tools to create and edit documents online while collaborating in real time with other users is highly motivating to those facing a deadline while not having to wait to read emails and reply to them. All students are able to participate in one assignment. Teachers then see which students are doing the lion share of the work. Learning can happen at all times of the day without meeting and from the comfort of your own home.Students become publishers on a world wide level now publishing for peers,parents and teachers. Far more accountable than ever and as a result raising their own standards as their accountability becomes clearer.
The benefit of its use in my own classroom would be from the interactivity of daily lessons. The excisting class page could now be put to better use not just merely a tool for the spread of information by me to bothe students and parents.
Onwards and upwards as we launch into Module 4!


  1. Dear Nana Jan,
    Sometimes been swept up by the tide (of technology)and spun around by the waves of Web 2.0 is not such a bad thing,especially when you journey with friends!
    It is amasing what can been done. I especially like the fact the students can participate any time of the day, across states, countries ect.
    It enables the teacher to have a more solid understanding of the student's participation, ability and contirbution.
    Great for report work across the stage.

    Now, go and relax and enjoy your beautiful grandgaughter, Marley.

  2. Hi Jan, glad to read that you too found that you were in a fog. I think that I may just be coming out of it. The Breakfast Club is a great way to go on this adventure as a group. It certainly helps you to grasp things better. Chris

  3. Hi Jan, welcome to the wonderful world of Web 2...I hope your experiences in this course are positive. Don't worry if you sometimes feel a bit overwhelmed...it is par for the course when dealing with ICT. If I can be of any assistance, please let me know.

  4. Nana Jan, I love your blog! The title and background are gorgeous! It is so wonderful having a new baby in the family isn't it? I imagine even more so when it is your very first grandchild!

    Just because you're a nana now doesn't mean you're any less tech savvy, ex-grade partner! I've seen your moves...on the computer I mean! It will be great fun doing the course together, and enjoying some delicious breakfasts along the way! Thanks for the great spread today!

    Happy blogging!
