Saturday, October 16, 2010

Final Course Reflection

Web2.0 and the eLearning with the iLE@RN model.

The final video on eLE@RNING further developed my understanding of the whole concept. We are not just talking about the use of computers and technology in the classrooms .The"e" doesn't represent electronic but e for engaging students in their learning. We live in an information rich age. We have greater control over learning and not just through lecture type experiences.We have a responsibilityto develop reflective and responsible learners by providing the structures that removethe walls around the classrom and link students to local and global learning. Students need to become aware of how they learn best and they contribute to 21st century learning.Activity 1 has bought to the forefront the iLE@RN skills the teachers need to address prior to students using Web 2.0 tools.
communication and collaboration skills
questionning skills
creative thinking skills
reflection skills
critical thinking and problem solving skills
multimodal literacy skills.
We learn best when we are engaged and challenged to learn and when we are equiped with the necessary skills and resources.Then we can make a valued contribution to physical and virtual learning communities. I feel as though I have discovered a new mantra one which will be physically displayed in my classroom as a reminder of my adventures in this Web 2.0 course.

Web 2.0 and Bloom's Taxonomy- Bloom's Digitally
This certainly takes Blooms to another level! As I am at presently designing and resructuring units of work based on a variety of HOTS approaches not just Blooms I feel a little overwhelmed that now I am being pulled in yet another direction. I will certainly keep an open mind and will refer to and use this new model if I feel it will enhance the students achievement of the learning outcomes as set out in the Foundation Statements which is my focus of the students learning in my classroom as well as endevouring to develop the eLE@RNING skills as stated above. I will be implementing one aspect of eLE@RNING at a time and view this journey as a continued learning experience for both myself and my students.

The Web2.0 course has certainly opened my eyes to the huge array of programs and applications that exist out there and I am sure that the ones that I viewed were a mere drop in the ocean! It has been fun to engage and ponder the educational use of these tools e.g Scootle,Ning, Kidblog, Wordle etc. and how I can effectively use these amazing programs to engage and challenge each student but particularly the underachievers in my class who need to be reawakened to learning as exciting and interesting and " a can't wait" experience. I feel it important to assess the place of eLE@RNING in the overall education of students keeping at the forefront the catholic values that underpin our very existence and the students' digital footprins..
I feel a sense of achievement in the completion of this course and as a teacher of over 30 years of experience have learnt that change is not always at the expense of teaching practices that already exist that work but change for the good of the students and their learning now and in preparation for the world of the future they are entering.
Thankyou to all those reponsible for making this course possible.

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