Thursday, October 7, 2010

Module 10 - Learning Communities, Constructing Knowledge together using Wikis

A Wiki is a website that allows the easy creation and editing of any number of web linked pages via a web browser using a simplified markup language. The Edit , Save and Link functions allow easy access to all group memebers to make changes instantly that all can see. This eliminates the email system which is not good at organising a groups input. This is reminiscent of Google Docs are they one and the same or am I still limited in my understanding and knowledge of how it all works???? This tool has great possibilities for classroom use for students share and collaborate anywhere, any time.Also for Teacher use when writing reports and programs.
Absolutely loved the Booklead Wiki. Particularly interesetd in Boys reading and all the great articles, videos and approaches suggested.

Ning in Education
Ning is the leading online platform for world,s organisers, activists and influencers to create their own social network. It appears to me to meet the needs of those in a profesional froum rather than a personal forum as does MySpace.

The attainment of learning outcomes for all students is what it is all about.That is why I am here completeing this Web 2.0 course. For students to attain success with their learning I need to become more aware of the various tools to assist each individual's learning style preferences. Particularaly those strugglers who for the most part of the day find learning boring and difficult. Completing tasks that they are totally disengaged from or that to them are meaningless and a waste of time. Setting up Blogs for students to collaborate with each other, with me and me with parents to share affirm and encourage student learning further develops the students accountability and ability to articulate in another forum the learning that is taking place.Immediately they see their successes and parents are able to monitor their child's development and confidence and learning experiences in a particular area. for me. Baby steps..... first, set up Blogs and Wikis for each student. Onwards and upwards!


  1. Jan, well done. You have mastered the world of Web 2. I can see you thinking ahead to application of all you learnt.

    I'm racking my brain with Kinder on some aspects!

  2. Well done Jan,the idea of setting up blogs for your students sounds great. With an older class this is more attainable than me trying this with my children in Kinder. We have started a mini blog on Myclasses. Maybe that could be a way to go for you to start off with. Just a thought! Keep up your great dedication to your students. Chris
